1. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Music is a human art form, an inseparable part of the human experience everywhere in the world. Music is social, and tightly woven into the tapestry of life, and young children are very much a part of this multifaceted fabric. The musical experiences they have provide opportunities for them to know language, behaviors, customs, traditions, beliefs, values, stories, and other cultural nuances. As they become musically skilled through experiences in song and instrumental music, young children can also grow cultural knowledge and sensitivity. Music is an extremely important aspect of culture, shaping and transmitting the above-mentioned aspects that characterize groups of people. Exposing young children to the world’s musical cultures brings them into the cultural conversation, allowing them to learn about self and others in an artistically meaningful and engaging way. Prior to the development of social biases and cultural preferences that all too easily turn into prejudices, the opportunity to know people through song, dance, and instrument play is a gift to all who work for the well-balanced development of young children into the responsible citizens they will one day become.
* tapestry: 색색의 실로 수놓은 장식 걸개 ** multifaceted: 다면의
① 아이들의 균형 잡힌 성장을 위해서는 다양한 경험이 중요하다.
② 사회적 편견과 문화적 선호도는 서로 밀접하게 관련되어 있다.
③ 어린 나이에 다양한 음악에 노출되면 예술적 감각이 향상된다.
④ 음악을 포함한 예술은 특정 문화에 대한 당대의 사회적 시각을 반영한다.
⑤ 음악은 아이들을 사회 문화적으로 균형 잡힌 시민으로 성장하게 해 준다.
2. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
As far back as 32,000 years ago, prehistoric cave artists skillfully used modeling shadows to give their horses and bison volume. A few thousand years ago ancient Egyptian and then ancient Greek art presented human forms in shadow-style silhouette. But cast shadows do not appear in Western art until about 400 BCE in Athens. It was only after shadows had become an established, if controversial, part of representation that classical writers claimed that art itself had begun with the tracing of a human shadow. Greeks and Romans were the first to make the transition from modeling shadows to cast shadows, a practice that implied a consistent light source, a fixed point of view, and an understanding of geometric projection. In fact, what we might now call “shadow studies”―the exploration of shadows in their various artistic representations―has its roots in ancient Athens. Ever since, the practice of portraying shadows has evolved along with critical analysis of them, as artists and theoreticians have engaged in an ongoing debate about the significance of shadow representation.
* geometric: 기하학의
① The Journey of Shadows in Art from Prehistoric Caves Onward
② Portrayals of Human Shadows from the Artistic Perspective
③ Representing Shadows as a Key Part of Contemporary Art
④ What Are the Primary Challenges for Shadow Painters?
⑤ Unique Views on Shadows: From Cave Artists to Romans
3. Mary High School Foreign Language Program에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① 학생은 두 개의 언어를 선택할 수 있다.
② 수업은 주말에 진행된다.
③ 수업료는 등록 시 전액 납부하지 않아도 된다.
④ 9월 5일까지 취소하면 환불받을 수 있다.
⑤ 수업 관련 문의는 이메일을 통해서만 할 수 있다.
4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
It has been suggested that “organic” methods, defined as those in which only natural products can be used as inputs, would be less damaging to the biosphere. Large-scale adoption of “organic” farming methods, however, would ① reduce yields and increase production costs for many major crops. Inorganic nitrogen supplies are ② essential for maintaining moderate to high levels of productivity for many of the non-leguminous crop species, because organic supplies of nitrogenous materials often are either limited or more expensive than inorganic nitrogen fertilizers. In addition, there are ③ benefits to the extensive use of either manure or legumes as “green manure” crops. In many cases, weed control can be very difficult or require much hand labor if chemicals cannot be used, and ④ fewer people are willing to do this work as societies become wealthier. Some methods used in “organic” farming, however, such as the sensible use of crop rotations and specific combinations of cropping and livestock enterprises, can make important ⑤ contributions to the sustainability of rural ecosystems.
* nitrogen fertilizer: 질소 비료 ** manure: 거름
*** legume: 콩과(科) 식물
5. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
As long as the irrealism of the silent black and white film predominated, one could not take filmic fantasies for representations of reality.
Cinema is valuable not for its ability to make visible the hidden outlines of our reality, but for its ability to reveal what reality itself veils ― the dimension of fantasy. ( ① ) This is why, to a person, the first great theorists of film decried the introduction of sound and other technical innovations (such as color) that pushed film in the direction of realism. ( ② ) Since cinema was an entirely fantasmatic art, these innovations were completely unnecessary. ( ③ ) And what’s worse, they could do nothing but turn filmmakers and audiences away from the fantasmatic dimension of cinema, potentially transforming film into a mere delivery device for representations of reality. ( ④ ) But sound and color threatened to create just such an illusion, thereby destroying the very essence of film art. ( ⑤ ) As Rudolf Arnheim puts it, “The creative power of the artist can only come into play where reality and the medium of representation do not coincide.”
* decry: 공공연히 비난하다 ** fantasmatic: 환상의